
Creato da Pantelis Bouboulis e Sotirios Tsantilas, pubblicato nel 2016, Crisis è un gioco da 1 a 5 giocatori, con tematiche economia, industria e politica caratterizzato da meccaniche di speculazioni di compravendita e piazzamento lavoratori. Ha una durata di gioco media di 45 minuti.

Consigliabile per giocatori con età minima di 14 anni.

Prezzi aggiornati al 28 febbraio 2024.

Prodotti correlati
CALENDARIO DELL'AVVENTO 2018 GIORNO 22 - Crisis: Renewable Energy Modules (mini-espansione)
4,90 €
CALENDARIO DELL'AVVENTO 2018 GIORNO 22 - Crisis: Renewable Energy Modules (mini-espansione)
0,50 €

4,90 €
CALENDARIO DELL'AVVENTO 2016 GIORNO 10 - Crisis (mini-espansione): Die Spielautoren (The Game Designers)
4,90 €
CALENDARIO DELL'AVVENTO 2016 GIORNO 10 - Crisis (mini-espansione): Die Spielautoren (The Game Designers)
0,90 €

4,90 €
Eroi Crisis Pack: Star Realms
4,90 €
Eroi Crisis Pack: Star Realms
2,90 €

4,90 €
Eventi Crisis Pack: Star Realms
4,90 €
Eventi Crisis Pack: Star Realms
2,90 €

4,90 €
Star Realms - Crisis - Eroi
3,90 €
Star Realms - Crisis - Eroi
3,50 €

3,90 €
Flotte e Fortezze Crisis Pack: Star Realms
4,90 €
Flotte e Fortezze Crisis Pack: Star Realms
3,50 €

4,90 €
Marvel Crisis Protocol - Movement and Range Tools Pack
2,90 €
Marvel Crisis Protocol - Movement and Range Tools Pack
12,99 €

2,90 €
The Nutmeg's Curse: Parables for a Planet in Crisis
3,99 €
The Nutmeg's Curse: Parables for a Planet in Crisis
13,00 €

3,99 €
The Undiscovered Self: Answers to Questions Raised by the Present World Crisis
3,99 €
The Undiscovered Self: Answers to Questions Raised by the Present World Crisis
14,00 €

3,99 €
Social Simulation for a Crisis: Results and Lessons from Simulating the COVID-19 Crisis
3,99 €
Social Simulation for a Crisis: Results and Lessons from Simulating the COVID-19 Crisis
14,00 €

3,99 €
Catastrophe: Ocean Crisis
4,90 €
Catastrophe: Ocean Crisis
15,00 €

4,90 €
Lego Ninjago 11: Comet Crisis
3,99 €
Lego Ninjago 11: Comet Crisis
17,00 €

3,99 €
Nuclear Folly: A New History of the Cuban Missile Crisis
3,99 €
Nuclear Folly: A New History of the Cuban Missile Crisis
19,00 €

3,99 €
She Hulk - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
4,90 €
She Hulk - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
19,90 €

4,90 €
Kingpin - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
4,90 €
Kingpin - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
19,90 €

4,90 €
Marvel Crisis Protocol - Crisis Card Pack 2023
2,90 €
Marvel Crisis Protocol - Crisis Card Pack 2023
19,99 €

2,90 €
Ms. Marvel - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
4,90 €
Ms. Marvel - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
24,90 €

4,90 €
MODOK - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
4,90 €
MODOK - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
26,50 €

4,90 €
Doctor Strange and Clea - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
4,90 €
Doctor Strange and Clea - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
26,90 €

4,90 €
Crisis and Control - Hegemony: Lead Your Class to Victory
4,90 €
Crisis and Control - Hegemony: Lead Your Class to Victory
26,90 €

4,90 €
Hulk - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
Hulk - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
27,90 €
Ghost Rider - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
Ghost Rider - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
29,90 €
Omega Red - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
Omega Red - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
29,90 €
X-23 and Honey Badger - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
X-23 and Honey Badger - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
29,90 €
Starfinder Flip-Mat: Drift Crisis
Starfinder Flip-Mat: Drift Crisis
30,00 €
Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
31,90 €
Ant-Man and Wasp - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
Ant-Man and Wasp - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
31,90 €
Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
33,90 €
Shuri and Okoye - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
Shuri and Okoye - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
34,90 €
Loki and Hela - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
Loki and Hela - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
34,90 €
Thor and Valkyrie - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
Thor and Valkyrie - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
34,90 €
Drax and Ronan the Accuser - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
Drax and Ronan the Accuser - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
34,90 €
Captain America and War Machine - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
Captain America and War Machine - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
34,90 €
Crystal and Lockjaw - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
Crystal and Lockjaw - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
34,90 €
Black Bolt and Medusa - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
Black Bolt and Medusa - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
34,90 €
NYC Commercial Truck Terrain Pack - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
4,90 €
NYC Commercial Truck Terrain Pack - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
34,90 €

4,90 €
Hegemony - Crisis & Control
1,90 €
Hegemony - Crisis & Control
34,99 €

1,90 €
Angela and Enchantress - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
Angela and Enchantress - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
35,80 €
Storm and Cyclops - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
Storm and Cyclops - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
35,80 €
Sin and Viper - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
Sin and Viper - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
35,80 €
Black Panther and Kilmonger - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
Black Panther and Kilmonger - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
35,90 €
Vision and Winter Soldier - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
Vision and Winter Soldier - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
39,90 €
Magneto and Toad - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
Magneto and Toad - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
39,90 €
Luke Cage and Iron Fist - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
Luke Cage and Iron Fist - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
39,90 €
Amazing Spider-Man and Black Cat - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
Amazing Spider-Man and Black Cat - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
39,90 €
Black Dwarf and Ebony Maw - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
Black Dwarf and Ebony Maw - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
44,90 €
Marvel - Crisis Protocol - Corvus Glaive & Proxima Midnight
1,90 €
Marvel - Crisis Protocol - Corvus Glaive & Proxima Midnight
44,99 €

1,90 €
Doctor Voodoo and Hood - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
Doctor Voodoo and Hood - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
49,90 €
Deadpool and Bob, Agent of Hydra - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
Deadpool and Bob, Agent of Hydra - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
49,90 €
NYC Terrain Expansion - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
NYC Terrain Expansion - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
49,90 €
Thanos - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
Thanos - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
57,90 €
Dormammu - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
3,90 €
Dormammu - Marvel: Crisis Protocol
61,90 €

3,90 €
Time of Crisis - Giochi di Guerra: Strategia e Diplomazia...
Vale 15 punti fedeltà
Time of Crisis - Giochi di Guerra: Strategia e Diplomazia...
79,99 €
15 punti fedeltà
Horizons of Spirit Island
Horizons of Spirit Island
79,99 €
Economic Theory in the Twentieth Century, An Intellectual History—Volume II: 1919–1945. Economic Theory in an Age of Crisis and Uncertainty: 2
Economic Theory in the Twentieth Century, An Intellectual History—Volume II: 1919–1945. Economic Theory in an Age of Crisis and Uncertainty: 2
128,00 €
Marvel - Crisis Protocol
Marvel - Crisis Protocol
134,99 €
Marvel Crisis Protocol - Earth's Mightiest Core Set
Marvel Crisis Protocol - Earth's Mightiest Core Set
149,99 €

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